Saturday, October 08, 2005

I've been a bad blogger

I stop posting for a couple of days, and suddenly, it's nearly a month. What a bad blogger I am. Sorry everyone. Sorry Bronwyn, and thanks for your comments.


Anonymous said...

I found your comments to be very interesting. We can never keep up with all that is going on. For example who would have ever thought Apple and Intel would be working together. On another side note, I’m one of the beta testers for a new browser. It can be found here; The company is looking for others to test it out as well so download it and give them some feedback.

Larry Kollar said...

That happened to me when I first started my blog in May... whole month of June, no blogging. It's easy to fall off the wagon.

OTOH, recording the events of my life has come in handy on a couple of occasions, when needing to pinpoint when something happened, or the elapsed time between two events... so I try to stay at it a couple of times a week.