Thursday, September 15, 2005

I must be dreaming

Arik Sharon has just made a speech to the UN calling for Palestinian statehood. Arik Sharon? Incredible! Arik Sharon has just called for tolerance and reconciliation in the Middle East. Arik Sharon? Astonishing! The BBC News web site has given a favourable report of Arik Sharon's speech. Now that really is unbelievable!

Yep, Arik Sharon. After years of being the darling of the Israeli Right, this macho general-turned-politician is using words and phrases that some on the Israeli left hesitate to use. For the first time in a great many years, world leaders and the world media are actually expressing their satisfaction with Israeli actions, and their expectations of decisive actions by the Palestinians to restore order within Gaza, and to respond favourably to Sharon's speech.

This state of affairs is extremely rare, and we all know it isn't going to last. Not once people realise that Sharon's ulterior motive for relinquishing Gaza is an attempt to keep much of the West Bank. So let's just enjoy it while it lasts.

1 comment:

Ann Howell said...

It is nice to hear that even extremists can have moments of clarity. It's also nice to hear that you will be able to buy all of your fine jewelry online this holiday season. Do you think they sell jewelry for Hannukah shopping lists, too?!
