Friday, August 26, 2005

Homeopathy is Bunk -official

I am sure this is going to upset a lot of people, but a study published in The Lancet today claims that there are no benefits from homeopathic medicines other than placebo effects.

I have always been a bit sceptical. On the one hand, a complementary practitioner provided very valuable dietary and other advice which helped alleviate my son's repeated bronchial problems when he was small, after conventional treatments had failed. But he described himself as a "naturopath" rather than a "homeopath". On the other hand, the idea of homeopathy that a substance could diluted thousands of times, and then thousands of times again, and that the molecules of water used for dilution would still "remember" the essence of the substance, has always seemed to me to be a bit fanciful.

There is a detailed report on the BBC news website.


Anonymous said...

While I too am sceptical about the supposed benefits of homeopathy, I'm perhaps equally sceptical of the Lancet's ability to report the truth.

The Lancet being the journal which started the now infamous and disproved MMR scare, and also carried out a ridiculously non-scientific survey of deaths in Iraq to conclude that 100,000 civillians had been killed since the US-UK invasion - a figure which is rubbished by virtually everyone.

Anonymous said...

Homeopathy cures where Conventional Allopathic Medicine (CAM) fails

Dr. Nancy Malik said...

Homeopathy: Micro Doses Mega Results

Dr. Nancy Malik said...

Homeopathy is evidence based modern medicine for the 21st century

Unknown said...

I think the main problem with the homeopathic premis is that if remedies are biologically active at such low doses, then so are toxins.

Humans are exposed to perhaps tens of thousands of known biological toxins. We survive because the concentrations are (generally) too low to seriously affect us.

If such a small dose of a medicine were to have any beneficial impact then surely this would be duely cancelled by the myriad of low dose toxins that humans are exposed to.

Dr. Nancy Malik said...

The fundamental pillars of Homeopathy are: -
1. Law of similar (1796): Like cures like
2. Law of minimum dose (1801): Less is More
3. Law of simplex (1810): One single similar medicine for the patient
4. The theory of miasms (1829)
5. Doctrine of Vital Force (1833)
6. Potentisation/dynamisation (1833)
7. Hering’s law of five directions of cure (1845):
8. Diet & Regimen

The Natural Health Clinic said...

I am not agree with you.... in my opinion homeopathy is the best type of medicine for human health and it can give you good results